We recently talked about going digital as a way to make your business more environmentally friendly. One concern that is often brought up with this approach to storing files and data is the security of this information and the potential for data breach or loss. In reality, a digitally-run company is equally as secure, if not more so, than a company that operates solely with paper files. In addition, information and documents are typically safer in the digital realm, considering that paper files can quickly go up in flames, get misplaced or lost, or otherwise disappear. Digital operations allow multiple copies of files to be created easily, accessed from anywhere, and give you the opportunity to backup your data, guaranteeing a level of safety and security that hard copies could never provide.
What is a Backup?
When we talk about a data backup, we are not referencing one similar to the backup of cargo ships in the Suez canal earlier this year. Instead, we are referring to a copy of your files being saved to an archive and stored on a secure server, hard drive, or other digital storage option separate from where your files are kept. A backup can include only specific files or information, or can be as expansive as an entire operating system, a library of files, and the settings that come along with them. Backups can include all information from all time, or only new files that have been added since the last backup. You can run a backup as often as you would like, and some businesses may need to run them more often than others, however, backing up your data on a regular basis regardless is important for many reasons.
Why Backup?
There are many reasons that you should consider backing up your data consistently. The most notable reason is to prevent the loss of data. For businesses, customer information, order records, employee files, and other similar data are the lifeblood of operations. Losing any amount of this data can be detrimental to the future of a business. Backing up your files regularly ensures that even if a tragedy struck your computer system, there would still be an archive of your data in existence, saving you the headache of trying to manually gather all of the lost information again.
Another benefit to regular data backups is for financial purposes. Business taxes and audits can be a nightmare, especially if data somehow goes missing. Having a backup of financial statements, tax records, employee payments, and more can help to prevent any mishaps, and will make your life tremendously easier should an audit occur.
Other various benefits to backing up your data include improved client relationships, proven reliability for investors, a leg up on your competitors, increased productivity, and peace of mind. Regular backups can also end up saving you time and money. Should disaster strike, you already have a plan in motion to restore lost data and continue operations as normal.
How to Backup?
Now that you are convinced of the importance of consistently backing up your data, you may be wondering how to go about accomplishing this. Depending on the size of your company or the amount of information you deal with, the task of initiating a backup and setting up a regular data backup schedule can be overwhelming. At ANAX, we offer secure solutions to your data storage needs. Reach out to our team of experts today to see what we can do for you!
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