Five Reasons Your Network Fails

Five Reasons Your Network Fails

Five Reasons Your Network Fails


Can You Afford Extended Downtime?

We live in an increasingly digital reliant age of business, where most small to mid-size businesses can compete at the scale of their larger counterparts. BUT, the affect of downtime hits hard on businesses both large and small. So, the question is, how would you business handle a network outage or loss of internet?

“It’s clear that many organizations settle for sub-optimal network management solutions, thus costing them hours to report and resolve network issues,” said James Bear, president and CEO of Veriflow, a California based software company. So, what are five reasons a network can fail, and how do you avoid them?

1. The “human element”

Human error is a factor in network outages, according to nearly all of the 315 IT pros surveyed (97%.) But how large a role people play in outages varies according to respondents. About half of respondents (52%) reported human error leads to few network failures, while a quarter of them (18% – 25%) find human error leads to frequent or “most” outages. Most important of all the findings, however, may be that just a fraction (3%) of the network pros said they catch and correct human mistakes before downtime occurs.


2. “Incompatible changes”

Another cause of network incidents is changing the configuration without properly evaluating impact prior to implementation. Nearly half (44%) of the survey respondents answered this type of issue happens “several times a year.”


3. “Manual dependence”

Most IT pros polled (69%) rely on manual measures to ensure network performance – e.g., “inspecting devices via the command line interface, inspecting configurations, and performing manual traceroutes or pings.”


4. “Predictive monitoring”

Just 6% of respondents said network monitoring tools predict between 90% and 100% of network performance issues and outages. Another 15% said tools predict 70% to 90% of network problems, and 13% said tools predict 50% to 75% of those glitches. The rest of the respondents said that monitoring tools predict less than half of all network bugs.


5. “Resolution time”

Few IT pros in the survey said the time necessary to detect and resolve a network issue once reported to them is less than an hour. Most replied that the process takes longer – anywhere from one to five hours.


For a big company with a large IT staff and commensurate budget, accepting a “suboptimal” solution for network management may be only a matter of lost productivity, which may or may not fall to the bottom line. But for many businesses, frequent, prolonged network outages can have implications greater than inefficiency. For retail organizations with a high proportion of e-commerce revenue, downtime can mean lost sales. For financial services firms, outages can delay time-sensitive transactions. For healthcare providers, sluggish network performance can lengthen wait times for patients, leading to caregivers seeing fewer patients. In this case, the consequences can be twofold – reductions in the quality of care and revenues from payers.

Regardless of size, most businesses don’t settle for sub-optimal internal solutions. Instead, they engage IT Managed Service Providers (MSPs) like ANAX that specialize in remote monitoring and management – not only for networks, but desktop computers and mobile devices, too. Our team of IT Services experts can create custom IT Solutions for your business, no matter the size.

Call us (702) 478-9000 or message us HERE to schedule a consultation today!


Five Mistakes Made By Businesses Regarding IT

Five Mistakes Made By Businesses Regarding IT


No company is safe from human error.

Statistics indicate that every year, over one billion records of data are compromised due to common mishaps. More than 90 million IT-related accidents are reported in the US alone. It gets worse; A whopping average of $15 million in damages relentlessly plague even the most prestigious and security conscious of companies.

Apparently, the slightest of errors can snowball to even bigger problems. Sure, a lot of threats like malware or having no backed up data whatsoever are obvious issues, but the real problems are often related to the tiny details which IT personnel constantly overlook.

Today’s fast-moving consumerist society, 24/7 accessibility, and customer expectation, time is of the essence. Smaller companies simply do not have or take the time to pay attention to small details in methods and practices which may cost them immense amounts of money. There is no simple solution, but keeping these issues into account is a start. IT teams need to avoid making these very simple mistakes in order to avert certain company catastrophe.

1. Not Having Backups or Proper Anti-Virus Software

A company’s preparedness is truly tested when device loss happens. One must bear in mind that anything can happen; Theft, data leaks, forgetting your device in a cab, accidentally damaging devices, etc. It is imperative to have backups of critical company data, and efficiently sharing it on multiple devices that are secure. Shockingly enough, The FBI estimates $400 billion of costs on computer crime in the U.S.

It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to always have an encrypted backup copy of your most important data. Another issue which needs to be addressed is protection against spyware, malware, and key loggers. It goes without saying it is a good idea to invest in a proper anti-virus system for offices, followed with scheduled scans and updates. The ever present cyber attacks and malware continue to grow rapidly and Enterprises are a constant target.

Read: IT Management & Staying Virus-Free

2. Using Dated Printers

This is a very common neglect of office tools. Printers can be treacherous if mishandled. When using the printer, workers usually forget to delete remaining information and data in the printer’s storage, depending on the brand of printer. It is very important to always ”keep the slate clean”.

Additionally, firmware updates are almost never turned on and many companies never use the printer’s full potential and efficiency because of slacking, often missing out on useful tools and tricks. Simply put, nobody has time for the printer’s firmware updates. Scheduled updates and routine checks are a must. Needing a new printer solution for your office? Check out our options here.

3. Ignoring Alerts and Employee Cloud Monitoring

Thinking that most of the office alerts are false positives is also a common mistake that workers just keep on doing. Neglecting to filter out and prioritize security alerts like malware, or updates, can and will inflict damage to a company sooner or later.

Executives should consider having a separate platform for data exclusively focused on cyber attack identification and detection while interactively responding to threats. Social media and cloud services among workers should also be mentioned.

Creating a unique IT infrastructure without adherence to the company’s policy can be potentially dangerous due to unapproved software, slowing down the internet connections, etc. Monitoring these cloud services should be a constant priority.

4. The Importance of Admin Rights

Administrative rights can be dangerous if they fall into wrong hands. The access means potentially unwanted applications and malware gain authority to roam every computer, device and network, potentially infecting everything it reaches. The need to force users to show admin credentials for new software thwarts any potential threats and breaches. It also makes it easier for security analysts to identify problems and tech issues usually triggered by intruding malware.

With the constant influx of new cyber threats, come even greater IT security teams. The extremely delicate IT issues can greatly threaten the enterprise if they are ignored. And giving away admin rights to anybody is one thing. Forgetting to take away admin rights is also an issue, as it may lead to providing third-party access to various devices like laptops and printers.

5. Insufficient Power Protection

Power outages, spikes, and surges, are a true nightmare, as critical data loss is imminent if workers have not saved their project in time. They can also drastically shorten the lifespan of the company’s devices and other valuable equipment. It is imperative that the business deploy simple power strips or other generators that will avert these unwanted outages. Uninterrupted Power Sources (UPS) offer the user a predetermined time to save their work before having to shut down the equipment, even in the event of a power outage. The battery backup will allow them to keep working for a period of time.

Bad businesses depend on surge suppressors which are very old and dated, and they stand no chance against thunderstorms and other disasters. It usually results in very costly company damages.

ANAX can provide your business with the equipment you need to remain updated with not only your networks and software, but your hardware as well.

If you are ready to consider talking with a professional Managed Service Provider, we encourage you to contact us today!